Songlines and linked lists
An exercise for my Data Structures and Algorithms class
There are many ways to record a journey. Let’s try making our own paths through points around the Scripps College campus.
A songline is one of the paths across the traditional land of the Aboriginal cultures in Australia. Songlines mark the route followed by "creator-beings" in the Dreaming. These routes serve as crucial connections between individuals and their ancestral lands, carrying intricate geographical, mythological, and cultural information. This exercise is designed to create your own songlines on the Scripps College campus.
A linked list is a linear data structure made of connected nodes. Each node contains data and a pointer to the next node in the list. Each node has only one link. Common operations associated with linked lists include traversal, insertion, deletion, searching, sorting, and reversal.
This code is open source:
Use this app to record your observations and memories of places around the Scripps College campus.