Filmless Portraits
You will make 0.01 MB portraits in 4-bit grayscale (that’s 16 grays) and make a file ready for copying to cassette.

Technical specifications
Cassette: standard 300 foot Phillips digital cassette
Power source: sixteen size AA 450 ma-hr batteries
Image sensor: Fairchild type 201 100x100 CCD array
Digital Memory: Twelve 4096 bit dynamic memory chips
Control logic CMOS integrated circuitry
Optics: XL 55 movie camera optics, exposure control and viewfinder.
Cassette Recorder: Memodyne low power digital cassette recorder.
Performance Characteristics
Exposure time: 50 msec
Minimum scene brightness: 2 ft-lamberts
Digitization: 4 bits/pixel
Record time: 23 seconds to record one picture (2275 bits/sec)
Tape speed: 5¼ ips
Recording Density: 433 bits/in
No. of Pictures per cassette: 30
Power consumption: 750 ma. peak (while recording)
Spectral response: 500 to 740 nm
Dynamic Range: 100:1
Use p5.js to reproduce Sasson’s images.
The results will look something like these:

Student Portraits