looping behaviors
Exercise: looping motion

Start with a picture from the New Grammar of Ornament. It’s a free structure of circles of different sizes that are evenly distributed across the display window. I want you to create first to set up this pattern of circles and then I want you to make them behave with three different behaviors.
**Nervous circles bounce around randomly but never get too far away from home. Give them jittery movements make them appear skittish maybe even afraid.
The first one is breathing, make them grow in size and then collapsing size in a smooth loop function. If you want to make it ease-in and ease-out (like animals).
A chase is an electrical application where strings of adjacent light bulbs cycle on and off frequently to give the illusion of lights moving along the string. With computerized lighting consoles, building chase sequences has become easier, while previously chases used mechanical means, such as a wheel with an electrified spindle which strikes electrical contacts for each circuit.
Each circle moves 200 pixels to the right two times then returns to the first location. They apparently continue their movement so carefully so that each move to the position of another and then in the loop there so that they appear to be moving right.