Lyle Murphy, Spring 2007

This class was an in-depth introduction to computer programming for artistic applications, focused around the Max/MSP/Jitter programming language. Students learned the fundamental skills required to develop their own software tools and interfaces for the manipulation and synthesis of audio and video, with a focus on applications in installation, composition, and performance. Other programming languages, such as SuperCollider, Basic Stamp, and C, were also explored.

Students made projects at the end of the term including this one by Lyle Murphy.

I wanted to stretch Vivaldi's Four Seasons so it would play continuously for an entire year. Unfortunately, with the equipment I had, I couldn't make it happen, and I wrapped the term without ever hearing more than a simulation of it.

The difficult part is that I need to stretch each minute of a recording to about 210 hours without changing the pitch or adding a lot of noise. Additionally, the files become huge and hard to navigate unless I work with MIDI.

A bit from the beginning of Winter, accompanied by a frame from a performance by the Netherlands Bach Society.