Yaozheng Song and Shiyun Luo

Message: L/R/F/B | Medium: Cup and string phone
Control a game by transmitting signals over a string and two cups.
The goal is to translate game control information into sound, which can be conducted between the cups via the string. Sound is likely the easiest medium for transmission, though other options may exist.
Signal Encoding:
You need to communicate four different messages. This can be achieved by encoding these messages as different tones.
This is the encoding scheme:
Message | Encoding |
LEFT | 110Hz |
RIGHT | 220Hz |
FORWARD | 440Hz |
BACK | 880Hz |
Implementation Steps:
- Understanding Signal Transmission:
- Consider the type of wave generated when speaking into a cup: a pressure wave traveling along the string.
- These pressure waves are longitudinal, similar to those observed when using a slinky.
- It's important to replicate this type of wave when transmitting your signals.
- Initial Testing (Without Cups and String):
- Create an Arduino circuit that can encode LRFB messages and encode them into frequencies.
- Output the tones with a speaker or transducer.
- Use a microphone to detect and a second Arduino to decode these signals.
- Ensure the system can correctly produce and interpret the sound patterns (tones) in open air.
- Setting Up the System:
- Use a speaker to create vibrate the bottom of the cup (or just place the speaker in the cup)
- Use a microphone to detect the tones at the receiving end.
- Insert the cup and string between the speaker and microphone setup for transmission.
Once you have verified the signal transmission and reception with the cup and string, you should be able to control the game using the encoded messages.